
A New Direction

For the past 6 months I have been mulling over some new ideas.

I know I need to make some changes. But the problem is….can I let go of familiar? Make adjustments? Pivot?

Because here’s the deal. Sometimes good or better is not the best.

In this case I’m talking about the book cover quote cards .

They have been a faithful companion to me. A beloved staple. Selling regularly for years.

I have felt privileged to make custom orders for people for everything from weddings to funerals. Sales meetings to church groups.

As much as I love these book cover cards I have decided that they will be discontinued at the end of March.

I am headed in a new direction. Trying to be intentional with my efforts. Giving margin to the unknown.

My time will focus on painting. Good or bad. Right or wrong. Uncertainty has passed into the hands of decision. Finally.

I will continue making art videos and writing this blog. From the outside it might sound much the same and to a certain extent I would agree. Although in light of future changes I’ll be implementing it feels a bit like starting from square one.

In the meantime if you’ve ever considered buying a book cover quote card for yourself or as a gift there are still some inspirational one’s available. I’ll be including a free easel with every order. And shipping is always free.

Have you gone in a new direction? Pivoted from good to better to best?

I’d love to hear about it.

Advice accepted.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
— Lao Tzu