pam hemmerling

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monday muse.

{words to ponder}

It can be as simple as trying something new.

Leaning into a challenge.

Or being vulnerable in a conversation.

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It doesn’t have to be huge. Or crazy. Or life changing.

Although it might be.

You will definitely try to talk yourself out of it. Fear will kick in. Anxiety will strike.

That’s when you know you’re onto something. That’s when you have to choose.

Comfort will always be easier. Safer. A bit complacent.

And the unknown?

Well, it will always be filled with uncertainty.

I understand this well. After experiencing a few recent setbacks I stopped writing blog posts. It’s easier to choose comfort. To not try. Today I decided to choose courage. To some this might look painless. And even easy. But, for me this requires courage to be vulnerable enough to share my words and art in this way.

Courage over comfort will look different for each of us.

Now it’s your turn.

What brave step will you be taking?

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