pam hemmerling

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9 Words To Live By

I guess it would come as no surprise that I love words. 

My nerdy, word-loving self actually writes words down as I'm reading. I know, right?

I fear forgetting or losing a good word. One that is captivating. Expressive. Thought provoking.

Is it only me that collects such things?

This is hard to admit but I'm currently in the process of organizing my words. 

No, I didn't major in English, Creative Writing or Journalism.

And no, I'm not organizing the words in alphabetical order. Despite having a word-fetish I am decidedly not dictionary minded. Obviously, making sense is not part of this strategy.

I'm more like my friend, Thesaurus. I like the feeling of a word. The intent. The underlying meaning.

But I digress.

In the process of organizing words I thought it might be fun to share my current favorites.

You might be thinking, "fun for who?" but bear with me you might find an unexpected treasure.

Here goes:

1. Begin - How do I even express my gratitude to this word? My personal trainer. Pushing me to start. To try. Not allowing for excuses. Giving me crap for wasting time. As he whispers this reminder in my ear, "tomorrow never comes".

2. Courage - What a true friend. Helping me to be brave. Giving me the guts to face down fear. What would I do without him?

3. Dare - We've got a love / hate relationship. The constant challenge to try new things. Laughing in the face of failure. Taunting me to go for it. Forcing me to learn. And I'm pretty certain he was the one who yelled, "don't be normal" as I painted last night.

4. Authentic - I'll give credit to the strong leadership of this word. Clearly pointing me in the right direction. Despite being so cool and hip. Legit and credible. The bottom line is that this is a challenging way to live. Original. Genuine. Intentional. 

5. Press On - Technically two words, I know. What can I say? My heart hugs these words. I owe them so much. They keep me on track. Pressure me not to give up. Persevere. Keep going. Stay the course.

6. Enough - Thanks for being so kind to me. Showing me acceptance. Prompting me to stop. Acknowledging that I can only do so much. And best of all for being that hushed voice that says, "Time to rest. Time for tea. Time to enjoy".

7. Inspiration - Fills me with happy. Thankfully it can be found everywhere. It is not about perfect. And it is not just for Pinterest and Instagram lovers. 

8. Beauty - A true companion. My eyes have been opened to all forms of style and aesthetics. Reaching beyond people to everyday things. Common things. Old and rustic. Clean and modern. Simple or decorated. Universal. 

9. Wholehearted - My life coach and ally. The foundation for many of my words. Pointing out what matters most. Connection. Gratitude. Faith. Joy. Grace. Purpose.

After trying out a variety of organizing options I decided that my words will simply be going back into their notebook. Old school organizing, for sure. Thesaurus seems speechless at my lack of structure. And, believe me he's never at a loss for words.

What's your favorite word?

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